This article will guide you on how to get started with your form from "New" to "Lodged" status.

Track and control work across your practice and form status:

In this example, we will be doing ITR2018 for an Individual Margaux Doe.

In LodgeiT, you can see the Form process- from "New" to "Lodged" Form.


"New" represents new form that had been added or  form that LodgeiT pulled from ATO.

Status will be changed to DRAFT if any changes in the form will happen. Opening the form does not change the status.

To know more about Dashboard (Form status , Filter and Sort) click here


"Draft" is a form that currently working on.

Open your form and check if there's an error or any missing field by clicking "Validate".

If the Form is good, click "Complete".


"Completed" status means that we only have pre-lodged the form to the ATO and it means that it's already filled correctly and has NO ERRORS (This doesn't mean that the form is finally "lodged").

The form will become read-only and you cannot do any changes to your form. Any changes made in the "client settings" (ie contact details) will not update the details on the form. You have to unlock/revert to "Draft" status in order to apply the changes.

Note: Status "Completed" will make the form lock

In order to go back to "Draft" status, just click the Lock icon.


There are two types of out to sign: (Click below to know more about)


Electronically. It's when user sends e-sign requests via lodgeit.

*LodgeiT uses signatory's contact details (via client's "Settings") to send e-signature

Click here to learn more about on how to send email directly to agent's mailbox

Once they completed signing the form, they will get an email confirming that they have been signed the form.

Agent may also check the client's "Files" for signed copies".

Other related guide Receive a copy of all e-sign notifications.

"Signed" status means,  user sent the tax return via esignature, and "Awaiting" to client to sign the form.


Manual ="Out to Sign" button if you want to manually send the form to your client instead of using  Lodgeit e-sign feature, user posof using  Lodge it e-significant featurer e-signature app.

"Sign Status" as Manual, means user sent the tax return manually (through post office/email).

Once the form sent for Signing or Sent manually, the form will be listed in "Out To Sign" tab on dashboard.


"Signed", if the client has signed the form, this also indicates the requirement for accountant/firm to sign & Lodge.

You need to check status via Dashboard.

Note: Before the form can be lodge it must be signed (pressing the "Sign") by Tax Agent as well.

User may also do a BULK/MULTIPLE "Sign and Lodge", learn more Bulk or Multiple "Sign and Lodge" of Tax Return

If user find difficulty or no option to Sign the form, it means that administrator restricted them.

Administrator of your LodgeiT should customize and tick the box "Sign Forms"

How to get signed copy of the client tax return with e-signature?

Once ready to Lodge, agent has 2 option in signing the form

a. Just tick the box located at the left side and proceed with signing on Tax Agent end through pressing "Sign" button.

b. Open the form, scroll to the bottom page, and press "Sign"


Once the agent have pressed "Sign", form status will now be under "To Lodge". 

Tick the box located at the left side, then press "Lodge" 


Form is now in  "Lodged" Status.

You can also Lodge and Sign by batch through ticking at the left side box and press "lodge" or "Sign".

Click here to see Audit Trail of the form.

How to track/monitor a form?

User must check Dashboard via "Form" to see when a client signs. Status shows "To Sign" if the client has signed the form.

We will provide an email reminder in due course.

Once, client signed the form, it will now under "Signed" status. User can hover cursor on e-sign status to see who signed the document.

Note: Tax Agent Declaration signature is not actually required, click here to know more about.

ATO Status

The user can always check how tax form processing by ATO. LodgeiT gathering this information directly from ATO.

Frequently asked question: 

How to go back to previous form status? (i.e Completed Form to be Draft again)

How to re-do a form that has been sent as "Out To Sign"?

Answer: Click the padlock on the top right of the form

After clicking the padlock button, form is ready again for editing.