Electronic Signing. It is when the user sends an e-signature requests via LodgeiT. (using our Thirdparty provider - HelloSign allows clients to sign documents without creating an account).

*For "e-signature" request, you need to purchase signature credits via Gear Wheel > Billing

In this article you will learn the following:

Process of sending e-signature

Make sure that the tax form is in "Completed" status. 

Related article: Form Workflow Sequence

Scroll through the bottom page, and press "Send e-signature"

If you don't want to use e-signature, ie you may want to send it manually/download the form, learn more HERE

Review and press the box according to your need- 

After sending an e-signature request, you can also copy the signing link for each recipient. This feature is especially useful if you need to share the link through alternative channels, ensuring that your documents are signed quickly and efficiently.

Other related :  How to add yourself or a  team member as "CC" to the e-signature request. Click HERE

Who will receive the e-signature request?

LodgeiT always takes the "Primary Contact/Signatory, phone and email". As the "Primary Phone and Email" of the company/trust/partnership/bas not always the same as the signatory person.

Below example shows that the BAS is for "Doe Family Trust", in which "Primary Contact/Signatory" set to "Anna Doe" with incomplete details (ie no email and phone details)

Note that, LodgeiT will pick up the details of Anna Doe from "Anna Doe's" Settings, not to the "Settings > Contact Details of the Family Trust".

Make sure to completely fill the individual's details (ie the mobile number is important so you can use the "SMS authentication" in sending the e-signature request)

E-signature Authenticator

Clients must verify themselves by either SMS code or birthdate on your choice.

*Untick "SMS Authentication" if you are unsure of the active mobile number of the client. 

Learn more HERE

From the security and confidential perspective, the user has nothing to worry about, because no other person can access to the tax return, so only the client who has phone number/email address can view it. As the confirmation the user can check the audit trail for the specific form and check who, when and what actions were made with the form.

Related guides:

Save signed copy of files

Tick the box of "Save signed copy to files" if you want to automatically save a signed tax form through the  client's "Files" tab in LodgeiT (see below point #9)

After clicking "Send", e-signature will send to client for signature. (How to change e-signature signatory? Learn more here)

Status: Out to Sign

ITR status will now be "OutToSign", but this stage, status is "awaiting" (awaiting for client to sign the form)

LodgeiT will send an email for your client to sign,  they can sign the form either - using desktop/laptop or mobile phone.

Note: If the form is in "Awaiting Status", agent can still cancel or edit the form through clicking the lock icon. Esign link will also cancelled and client can no longer access the given link. 

Related Article: Automatic E-sign Reminders

Client's E-signature view (Review and Sign)

This is how the client receives the e-signature request -

1. They need to click "Review & Sign", to navigate them to the signing page.

Note: LodgeiT uses signatory's contact details (via clients "Settings") to send e-signature. Learn more

2. The receiver is required to provide either "SMS code" OR the client "Birthdate" (depends on the Agent's configuration via e-signature request set-up)

Security measure of SMS authenticator and Date of birth as follows:

  • SMS authenticator

  • Date of Birth

If the email address is set as "Custom", the authenticator will be sent in client's email. 

  • The security measure of "Custom" email as follows:

Note: Code is good for 1 minute, once expires, you needto request for a new code.

Once OTP/Code has been entered the LodgeiT remembers the client for 30min, so it's handy when a client has to sign multiple documents.

Note that, user can download the document via-

3. It will navigate to signing page, they can use either desktop or Mobile handset for signing.

4. Must "click to sign", and start signing.

5. Click "Insert" or "Insert Everywhere"

Here is the view of Signature inserted.

6. Should review thoroughly all the pages that needs signature before clicking "Continue" and "Agree".

7. System will acknowledge the signature.

Note: Once client signs the e-sign request LodgeiT sends notification to this client which contains the URL of document copy to download.

8. Once they completed signing the form, they will get an email confirming that they have been signed the form. 

Note: For Microsoft account as SMTP provider. All outgoing emails to their clients are sending from Microsoft mailbox and can be seen in the "Sent items" folder.

9. The signed copy is available via the acknowledgement email from LodgeiT

Agent may also check the client's "Files" for signed copies".

Additionally, you can add a common practice email to receive a copy of all e-sign notifications.

Note: You will receive an email prompt for an e-sign request that remains unsigned by your client. This will be triggered after all automated system reminders have been sent, but the client has still not signed the tax return

Status: Signed

Once, client signed the form, it will now under "Signed" status. User can hover cursor on e-sign status to see who signed the document.

Note: Tax Agent Declaration signature is not actually required, click here to know more about.

Related Article: 

How to CC myself/other team to e-signature request?

LodgeiT as Outgoing mail server:

Agents can set a specific list of emails to be always CC'd

For other email provider:

Workaround is to set up "Email Settings". If you are using your own mail server (gmail/microsoft) you can create your own rules (ie auto email forward, email copy for your team member). You will add the rule directly to your email settings.

Note: They only received the copy of the tax return, but unable to sign it.

Display Name in Client Emails

By default all client emails are sent with your trading or individual name as a display name.

Below example shows that the client received an email from the tax agent firms "Noble Accounting".  You can override the name on your Email Settings page.

This is NOT available to Microsoft, it always takes the sender's name from user's MS profile. You can change the name in your Microsoft account instead.


Adding additional documents for e-signature

Question: Can I attach other document via esign?

Answer: We don't have the feature yet to attach other documents via esign, we advise you to use pdf writer or online ie Nitro. 

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