Forms that can lodge by a Bookkeeper/BAS Agent are: Activity Statement , Tax File Number Declaration , PAYG Payment Summary, and Taxable Payments Annual Report.

We recommend to our BAS user to have 2 Accounts in LodogeiT, (Practice Type: BAS, and the other one is Business), you need to have a separate account because BAS agent is not allowed to lodge tax form, only via "Business" account.

See below process: 

You need to create a new organisation, top right of LodgeiT interface, click the gear wheel > switch org


Then, press "Add"

Make sure to use "Practice type" as Business Entity. With this, you may create tax form

In my below example, I have now 2 different org.


You need to have a separate account because BAS agent is not allowed to lodge tax form, only via "Business" account.  

You will now have 2 different accounts, ie

1 - ABC Bookeeper Services  Practice type as "BAS Agent"

2 -  ABC Pty Ltd Practice type as "Business"

Note that, lodgement credit for "Business" account is different. You can buy per form. 

To know more about the pricing details, please see this link -