Error: "Lodged - OoA Error"


LodgeiT searches for the NoA by few parameters such as lodgment date/sequence number. In some cases when tax return has been marked as lodged these parameters can be different between LodgeiT and ATO, so NoA cannot be found and should be retrieved manually via backend. 

One of the possible reason of the error, is that - NoA is not produced by ATO yet due to ATO services. Moreover, the tax return is still processing by ATO. If that will be the case, it could take ATO up to 2 weeks to process the form and to produce NoA. 

To Further invetsigate,

Please provide the following details:

1. Date of lodgement

2. Printscreen of ATO form status 

3. Advisor’s TAN and ABN.

4. Client’s TFN/ABN.

5. The lodgments message id. The user can find it in form’s audit log.


We will check via back end the history report of this transaction.

LodgeiTi nvestigate via back end the reason of this and will fix on our side.