SBR.GEN.AUTH.003 - Reporting party identifier information is missing from the lodgement.

Things to check:

1. Are you a tax agent? Only a tax agent can lodge a trust tax return with no ABN.

Please check your "Gear wheel" > Firm "Settings"- Make sure you've got your tax agent number.

2. Do you have a MyGov ID?,

3. Do you have a TFN for the Trust?


Make sure to fill your Client information details via "Settings"

Reporting party is the info relating to the client/payer.

Go to "Settings" making sure you complete the details correctly.

Settings --> General

Settings ---> Contact details


ABN is not required for lodgment in case when the user is tax/bas agent (intermediary) and has TAN. 

In case of business entity either main organisation or client must have ABN.