
CMN.ATO.GEN.500126 - Individual or Non-individual details must be provided.

Please try to complete the details from your Client's Setting's, ie Date of Birth, etc.

If issue still persists, please send us the printscreen of your client settings and the copy of this form, send to [email protected]

CMN.ATO.GEN.500126 - Invalid context. The number of Intermediary. TrueAndCorrect contexts must equal 1.

Follow the process:

1 - Make sure form is not in "Completed"/locked status (changes wont take effect, ie new ABN, TAN), 
How to reverse form to "Draft" status again? 

2 - Make sure that Entity Type is TAX AGENT
via gear wheel>settings

check the TAN and ABN must be theirs/firm.  

3 - Make sure that they reconnect LodgeiT to the ATO, after they have change the ABN
Connect LodgeiT to ATOConnect LodgeiT to ATO