Please do as follow:
1. Check the client with given TFN IS in their portal.
2. That the TFN IS active.
3. That NO form was lodged previously with FINAL marked on it.
4. That the name in LodgeiT is EXACTLY the same as name in the ATO Portal.
OR, best to call the ATO.
The issue is on ATO side - for such error code there could be varied reasons of why the issue occurred. Based on our experience for similar issue, ATO tech team advises following:
"We have been advised that the client or their tax agent should contact the ATO on 13 28 61 (
The ATO staff member will complete a number of checks on the client's account, and they will input the Further Return Not Necessary (FRNN) indicator on the account if appropriate to do so."
Please let the agent to contact ATO directly in this case to get further instructions - this way ATO will respond much faster. If they will not help, please let us know, then we will raise the incident with their tech team for them to investigate the issue.