Question: How to have access to the "Assign Client Owner" function in the  Team section of Client Settings?

Answer: To have access to the "Assign Client Owner" feature, you need to be given access by the person who has either an Owner or Admin access in the LodgeiT Account via Client Permissions section of the team member. Below is the related guide:

A. Team Member with access to "Assign Client Owner" dropdown 

- Go to gear wheel (Settings) > Team


Click the name of the team member, so that you can see the Profile access restriction tick boxes.

Ensure that the "Assign/Unassign members and teams" was ticked as check.

Go to client Settings>Team. 

Sample image with team member which can use the Assign Client Owner button.

B. Team Member with NO ACCESS to "Assign Client Owner" dropdown

NOTE:  If the "Assign/Unassign members and teams" option button is NOT TICKED. 

Then, the "Assign Client Owner" dropdown button cannot be accessed. See below image: