Import FBT from Excel

Utilize our template to import your FBT return directly from Excel. Feel free to enhance the template by incorporating extra sheets for your calculations, streamlining the input process. Learn more

FBT return price changes

Effective immediately, all FBT lodgments will adopt the pricing structure of Income Tax Returns. For further details, please visit our pricing page.

TFND form support ends in April 2024

We are discontinuing support for Tax File Number Declaration (TFND) forms as of April 26, 2024. We urge all users to ensure they lodge their TFNDs prior to this date to avoid any inconveniences. For continued access to the TFND form, we advise transitioning to a payroll software solution. We recommend QuickBooks, which includes a comprehensive Payroll system, as an efficient alternative for managing your TFND requirements. Please make arrangements to update your processes accordingly to ensure a smooth transition.

Tax Genii

Try out Tax Genii, our Ai Tax Research assistant. Experiment with Chat & Browse. Try different data sources - Google & ATO Website. For more information, read our help guide.

Update existing clients during client import

Now, you have the option to update existing client records when importing clients. Please note, all fields of an existing client will be replaced with the data from the imported file, including fields not presented in the file. Fore more information, read our help guide.