Released date: June 2024
Old Method (Tools > Depreciation)
You can generate and print the tax depreciation report for assets added using the new method directly within the tax return.
Simply go to Reports > Tax Depreciation and select a tax return.
- After the migration of the depreciation, LodgeiT no longer imports assets from the depreciation tool. Users must now edit their depreciation directly within the tax form. Therefore, users should continue editing their assets in the tax form.
- Certain assets cannot be migrated automatically. You can do it manually by creating an asset worksheet in the particular area of the tax return. Use the asset description field to search for the asset, then select it from the search results.
When running the Depreciation Migration, it's important to note that only assets purchased before the end of the 2023 financial year (FY) will be migrated. Any assets acquired after this period will not be included in the migration process.
Additionally, tax forms no longer sync automatically with the depreciation tool. This means users must manually ensure that depreciation data aligns with their tax reporting requirements. Therefore, for assets that were not migrated, users should manually add them as new assets directly in the tax form.