Be sure to add the correct opening balance. Credit balance must show as follows -
This is what the account should look like after saving it.
Note: IF the "Franking Account" has no other transactions, and have a Debit (DR) Opening Balance only, the data will not automatically injected to the tax form. You need to fill "Date" in order for the Opening Balance to be presented.
IF the "Franking Account" has transactions and "Opening Balance" is Credit (CR) the data will be automatically injected to the tax form -
Example of Franking Account opening balance as Debit with transactions:
Example of Franking Account opening balance as Credit without any transaction:
Question: How to edit the Franking Account Opening Balance?
Answer: Click "Tools" > "Franking Account":
In the upper right part of the tax form, please click the 3 dots icon and then select "Balance" in the dropdown selection:
You can now edit the Franking Account opening balance details. Click Save button to reflect the update made.