In this video you will learn:

  • Track the status of the ATO assessment process. 
  • Compare the ITR assessment with the estimate. 
  • Automate delivery of the assessment.

Click here to about Outcome of Assessment

Frequently asked question:

1. Does the client receive the actual ATO Notice of Assessment (ie the legal document)?  If not are we as tax agents legally required to forward the actual Notice of Assessment as well?
 - It's the actual information provided through LodgeiT ATO interaction via secure SBR protocols.

2. Is the Notice of Assessment saved in the documents file in LodgeIt with the appropriate tags?
- It's available via revisiting the assessed income tax return in LodgeiT via Lodged section of forms.

3. Is there a security issue with sending this NOA via email from LodgeIt?
- Client does not get the document riding email clear text. It's available to the client via a secure SSL link in the email.

4. I note that there is an automatic "send" feature for the NOA, which is great, but could be problematic as well. Can this be tailored so that only NOAs that agree with our estimates (within the acceptable error) are sent to the client automatically?
-Yes. If there is any variance the system will request that you engage in a manual workflow.

5. Will we get a notification email that lets us know that the NOA has been sent to our client?
-No. But easily visible on the form.

6. Would the ATO assessments, be an automated process, would this potentially link to our phone app?

- LodgeiT will automatically compare the outcome of the assessment by the ATO into LodgeiT's calculation. No need to link to your phone app. But of course, you need to wait for ATO's actual notice of assessment for sending to your clients.

7. How long does it take to finalise lodgement via LodgeIT, and receive Company tax return NOA? 

After the lodgment is made, it can take up to two weeks for ATO to process the form and to send the NoA. Lodgment date will be recorded in ATO as the date when the lodgment was made.

8. What does it mean "Verifying client and/or tax agent identity details"?

Due to ATO services the tax return is processing on ATO side with the reason "Verifying client and/or tax agent identity details". It means ATO is checking details and require additional information about tax agent or taxpayer. We recommend the user to connect ATO directly by phone - this way ATO will respond much faster and advise further instructions if necessary.

9. How do you print out NoA?

We only have the Outcome of Assessment. NOA can be printed out from the ATO portal. ATO sends it via email or via post depending on the client's preference.