No Unlodged Activity Statements were Found" after clicking "Here", and the issue still persists.

 Please check the following:

a. Collecting Activity Statement (AS) - not showing in LodgeiT

b. The form might have been lodged already. 

c. You are  looking at the wrong client.

If this will not help resolved the issue, you need to contact ATO about your concern, usually they are re-issuing a new BAS Form for the taxpayer. Please note that LodgeiT is only pulling the BAS Forms available from the ATO Portal.  


- ATO will initiate and publish the BAS If client is eligible.

- BAS Amendments should work IF the original BAS is in LodgeiT AND there are no values at PAYGI.

- To get a BAS into LodgeiT not originally prepared in LodgeiT use the GST Analyser to 'call' the missing BAS.

- If you are an intermediary (Tax or BAS Agent) you may want to turn off your responsibility for a form if your client is handling the  lodgement .

- Forms are automatically loaded as soon as they produced, However if you have a new client that has outstanding AS not showing in LodgeIT, just add a new AS form and the software will search for unlodged files. If there are none, it will synchronise the lodged files to the client in the background.