No Unlodged Activity Statements were Found" after clicking "Here", and the issue still persists.
Please check the following:
a. Collecting Activity Statement (AS) - not showing in LodgeiT
b. The form might have been lodged already.
c. You are looking at the wrong client.
- ATO will initiate and publish the BAS If client is eligible.
- BAS Amendments should work IF the original BAS is in LodgeiT AND there are no values at PAYGI.
- To get a BAS into LodgeiT not originally prepared in LodgeiT use the GST Analyser to 'call' the missing BAS.
- If you are an intermediary (Tax or BAS Agent) you may want to turn off your responsibility for a form if your client is handling the lodgement .
- Forms are automatically loaded as soon as they produced, However if you have a new client that has outstanding AS not showing in LodgeIT, just add a new AS form and the software will search for unlodged files. If there are none, it will synchronise the lodged files to the client in the background.