Activity Statements are automatically loaded (if user have managed the settings for this) as soon as they produced, However if you have Actiity statements lodged indirectly, you may follow below process:

Step 1:

Annual GST Analyser provides a for ensuring that annual activity statement compare accurately with the financial accounting system. Note that the facts from the ATO based on the information the ATO have on throughout the reporting period. The User can then generate the equivalent facts from the accounting system to test the accuracy of the facts already lodged.

Step 2: Set the date, then click "Apply"

Step 3:

Step 4:

Step 5: After "Pulling Obligation"  data and files will be in LodgeiT.

Step 6: Activity statements are now in LodgeiT Forms.


- To get a BAS into LodgeiT not originally prepared in LodgeiT use the GST Analyser to 'call' the missing BAS.

- If you are not doing tax returns or BAS for a client, you can switch it off in settings and new forms will stop showing up

You need to pull lodged BAS from ATO into LodgeiT.

Related Articles:

Access to Activity Statements Not Available

Importing Activity Statements Lodged Indirectly

Bulk Import of BAS/IAS

Collecting AS - not showing in LodgeiT