Possible reasons:

You have other LodgeiT accounts

ie, you are accessing an incorrect Organisation, instead of the active one. Visit this guide to learn more -  Switch org

Subscription Plan is expired 

Issue that affect your form lodgement is an expired subscription plan.

Related guides:

How to renew a LodgeiT subscription plan (Tax Agent)

Renewal of QuickBooks ProAdvisor Subscription

You only have lodgement credits to a certain form types 

One of the common reason, ie you only have remaining lodgements for BAS but none for Company Tax Return.

Understanding Lodgement counts

The one in the left means your "lodgement left" and the right one means "Purchased" or the total counts of your form.

Below sample shows that for "Income Tax Return", user has: 0/4

- 0 Lodgement. 

- 4 is the total lodgement purchased (from the package subscription)

Above image illustrates that, the user can ONLY lodge forms under "Income Tax Returns".  

Form types



How to see "Lodged" forms

In here, you can verify if you or colleagues lodged a form, or how many you have used up. 

Via LodgeiT "Dashboard"> Form > Lodged tab. You can see the date of Lodgements from there (check the lodgement date and count AFTER the invoice date to present)

Note, If a BAS form was 'Lodged" through the portal, it will not count against your purchased lodgments, 

How to know what form should you purchased

Illustration: User wants to buy an Individual Tax Form

Make sure to buy under ITR, BAS and Other Returns 


If you are certain that you didnt lodged any form, please send the following:

1. Printscreen of your "Dashboard > Forms >  Lodged status" (if possible capture the list that you think lodged date under your lodgement credits), if you cannot determine, just press "Lodged" and capture the entire screen.

2. Send us your billing page

Related article:Billing page

3.  Copy of your invoice 

Related article: How to see LodgeiT payment and invoice