Losses are transferred when new report for the next year is created. Also user can rollover anytime from previous year using Rollover button.
Currently Capital, Tax and Deferred losses are transferred to the next year. 

ATO guide - Loss carry back tax offset tool


Carried Forward Loss

Losses schedule must be completed in order to lodge CTR with “Tax losses carried forward” greater than $100,000. This is mandatory for ATO and cannot be avoided. ATO guide


Q: How to fill in this “ADD tax loss amount from conversion of excess franking offsets”

A: This amount can be written at Financial information section at 8H field. How it is calculated you can found here.

Note: Loss carry back tax offset cannot be more than Closing franking account balance. User can read how to complete franking account records here- https://www.ato.gov.au/business/imputation/paying-dividends-and-other-distributions/franking-account/"