LodgeiT Smart Excel Utility is an Excel Plugin that provides the ability to convert just about any excel report from any accounting system into a format that can be easily consumed by LodgeiT. This will save your time on re-keying facts as well as to provide a more accurate outcome.


1. You will need to have the desktop version of Office 365 Excel installed on your machine, as the cloud version is not supported.

2. Make sure to close Excel.

3. Load Microsoft.NET Framework 4 or later available 

4. Download and Install LodgeiT Smart excel Utility (LSU)

Open the file "setup.exe"

Continue by clicking "Run" followed by other set-up process.

Once the installation is complete, your Excel should show "LodgeiT" as additional plug-in.


Open the Excel, navigate via "File >  Options  > Add in"

Next step > Generate an XML using LodgeiT Smart Excel Utility (LSU)