In a partnership, it's possible that the partnership activity involves expenditure that needs to be classified to a sector other than Item 5 - Business Income & Expenses.

Below, all sectors of the partnership tax return related to deductions are noted along with the corresponding tag that can be found via Accounts, under each expense category.

i.e. Deductions in relation to Partnership Income

Where the expense line item must be tagged with - 

And Primary Production, if the deduction is 8S.

i.e. Deductions in relation to Trust Income.

Where the expense line item must be tagged with - 

And Primary Production, if the deduction is 8S.

i.e. Deductions in Relation to Rental Income.

Note- There is NO TAG for Rental property related expenses. Simply Classify from the Rental expense node - 

i.e. Deductions in relation to Australian Investment Income, Franked Distributions, Forestry Management and Other.

Tag for deductions relating to Australian investment income
Tag for deductions relating to franked distribution deductions
Tag for deductions relating to forestry managed investment scheme
Tag for deductions relating to other deductions

Learn more about deductions here -